Comparative analysis of WMS features

Comparative analysis of WMS features

An advanced Warehouse Management System (WMS) is the backbone of every modern logistics company. With the right system, you can benefit from various WMS advantages, such as improved inventory accuracy and smoother shipments. In this article, we’ll give you a comparative analysis of WMS features of leading WMS systems, with BizBloqs as the focal point. Whether you run a small warehouse or lead a large distribution center, this article will help you discover crucial WMS features that perfectly align with the operational needs in your warehouse.


Optimize your warehouse with a strong WMS

The foundation of modern logistics processes is an advanced Warehouse Management System (WMS), which seamlessly integrates with Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems to optimally manage warehouses. These digital and mobile solutions enable companies to efficiently manage the receipt of goods, storage, and shipping, thereby avoiding unnecessary costs and increasing overall efficiency. With a wide range of features, from barcode usage to artificial intelligence, such a system provides deep insights into key operational logistics data.


By properly integrating a WMS system with existing ERP systems, larger players and online retailers can unlock the full potential of their operational processes, from incoming to outgoing goods. A user-friendly interface, regular updates, and flexible solutions ensure that both small and large warehouses can address their specific needs without additional costs. This integration not only enables companies to maintain sufficient inventory levels but also optimizes order processing efficiency, which is essential for the dynamics of modern warehouse management.
The adoption of technological advancements such as wearable technology and mobile devices, along with the strategic use of digital products, strengthens the positioning of a warehouse management system as an indispensable tool for further logistics development in warehouses. This emphasizes the crucial role of WMS systems in reducing lower costs and maximizing operational efficiency, making them an indispensable link in the chain of logistics excellence.


Key features of a Warehouse Management System (WMS)

Inventory Management

A crucial aspect of any WMS is its ability to deliver accurate inventory information. This system ensures that you always know what you have in stock, where it is located, and when you need to order. This not only helps avoid overstock and shortages but also reduces costs by ensuring the right balance in your warehouse.


Order Processing

From the moment an order is received to the moment it is shipped, a good WMS streamlines the entire order processing chain. By using automated picking lists and digital packing slips, each order is processed accurately and timely, resulting in faster turnaround times and satisfied customers.


Picking and Packing

Advanced WMS systems offer various methods for picking and packing goods, such as zone picking, wave picking, and batch picking. This enhances warehouse efficiency by optimizing the travel routes of employees and increasing packaging speed, which is essential for maintaining fast order processing.



Integration with carriers and automatic generation of shipping labels and freight documents are key features of a modern WMS. These functionalities ensure that shipping proceeds without errors, which is crucial for maintaining customer satisfaction and avoiding costly returns.


Reporting and Analytics

A WMS collects a wealth of data on logistics operations. Modern systems offer extensive reporting and analysis capabilities that provide insights into trends, performance, and potential improvement areas. This information is indispensable for making strategic decisions and continuously improving processes.


The core features of a good WMS package

WMS systems are not only useful for managing daily activities but are also important for scaling and streamlining operations in a rapidly changing market. From integrating with existing ERP systems to leveraging the latest digital and mobile technologies, an advanced WMS offers a wide range of functionalities that can transform any warehouse.


Integration with ERP systems

The integration of a Warehouse Management System (WMS) with Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems is crucial for the efficient functioning of any warehouse, large or small. This integration ensures seamless exchange of information such as inventory levels, orders, and customer details, improving the accuracy and speed of warehouse operations. For small warehouses, this integration can enable more efficient operation with limited resources, while large distribution centers can use it to streamline and scale their complex logistical activities. The direct result is improved inventory visibility, fewer errors in order picking, and faster order processing.



and Mobile TechnologyIn today’s warehouses, the use of digital tools and mobile technology plays an increasingly large role. Advanced WMS solutions utilize technologies such as barcode scanners, RFID tags, and even drones to automate and optimize inventory management. Wearable technologies, such as handheld scanners and wearable devices, enable warehouse staff to work more efficiently by providing hands-free access to real-time data and systems. These tools not only help speed up the collection process but also improve the accuracy of inventory control, reducing costly mistakes.


User Interface and Flexibility

The user-friendliness of the WMS plays a key role in how effectively warehouse staff can interact with the system. An intuitive interface makes training quicker and reduces the likelihood of errors during use. Regular updates ensure that the system continues to meet the changing demands of the market and the logistics sector. Flexible WMS solutions offer the possibility to add or modify modules without significant additional costs. This is particularly useful for warehouses dealing with seasonal fluctuations or those wanting to adapt their


business model without investing in a completely new system.

These are the 5 most popular WMS systems in the Netherlands.



BizBloqs is an excellent choice for both small warehouses and large distribution centers thanks to its user-friendly interface and strong adaptability. The system supports advanced technologies such as RFID and barcode scanning. Although the flexibility and customer service of BizBloqs are top-notch, and there is active work to simplify the WMS for smaller companies, the complexity of implementation can initially be a challenge for companies without extensive IT support. To address this challenge, new packages are being developed specifically designed to improve installation and ease of use for smaller businesses.

Exact Online

Exact Online offers an integrated WMS that works perfectly with other business processes such as accounting and HR. This makes it an ideal all-in-one solution for small to medium-sized businesses. However, the WMS may be limited in functionality for more complex logistics needs, and companies that already use other ERP systems may experience integration issues.


Boltrics’ WMS is specifically designed for logistics service providers and offers excellent customization options within the Microsoft Dynamics environment. However, it is less suitable for companies outside the logistics sector, and companies that do not use Microsoft Dynamics may encounter integration difficulties.

Nekovri Dynamics

Nekovri Dynamics excels in providing specialized WMS solutions for cold and freezer warehouses, with specific features such as temperature controls and shelf life management. This industry-specific focus makes it less versatile for other sectors. The specialized features can also increase costs, which may be a barrier for smaller operations.

Reflex WMS

Reflex WMS from the Hardis Group is strong in managing complex logistics challenges and offers robust functionalities for multichannel management. However, it is originally a French system, which may bring integration and localization challenges for Dutch companies. The complexity and necessary investments in IT support can also be a hindrance for smaller businesses.


Choose the system that grows with you

If you are looking for a Warehouse Management System that is not only powerful and adaptable but also continuously improved to meet the needs of both large and small businesses, BizBloqs is the ideal choice. We understand the challenges faced by logistics companies and are committed to providing solutions that effectively address these challenges.

Contact us today to find out how BizBloqs can transform and optimize your warehouse operations, and experience the benefits of a leading WMS firsthand.


Willem Ten Asbroek

Willem Ten Asbroek

CEO, Bizbloqs Management Solution B.V.

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Welcome to the BizBloqs product selector. This is a tool we designed to guide you to the right subscription for your business.

If you are not sure how to answer a question, or you are not comfortable with the recommendation, please simply contact us and discuss it with one of our experts. It is our duty and pleasure to guide you to the best of our ability, making sure you arrive at the right well-informed choice that suits your needs perfectly.


BizBloqs offers Business Processes as a Service (BPaaS) and has created a range of subscriptions that service the specific needs of customer profiles we have encountered often in the market.

Our solutions are designed in such a way that we can service the smallest businesses for their basic needs, while the same platform can service the most complex and elaborate logistic requirements as well. This level of scalability allows all our customers to make their subscription grow with their needs, no matter how rapidly they grow or increase the complexity.


I only need very basic features and care most about my outbound process.


Gambit is our entry-level solution that covers the basic needs for companies that are looking to digitize their order fulfilment processes.

The emphasis of this subscription is on the outbound processes, handling all common requirements with ease. Gambit includes the ability to integrate a web shop on the frontend or an ERP system in the backend.

Furthermore, you can connect your Gambit solution to a supported transporter of your choice. Your order fulfilment and stock management have never been easier.


I only need basic features, but inbound and outbound processes are both very relevant for my requirements.


Pawn is the second-tier subscription of BizBloqs. It offers all the capabilities of Gambit, but also adds full control over the purchasing process. If you are looking to take your business to the next level by digitizing all your warehouse processes altogether, Pawn is the right solution for you.

It offers location management out of the box, supporting one location per article as the standard. All basic processes any small or medium business might need are included, all based on the years of experience and elaborate expertise of BizBloqs. We have taken the best practices of implementations in the past so you can benefit from the best of our capabilities.


I need some advanced features; my situation requires location management and/or we need digital support for batch picking. You could say my needs resemble a wholesaler, reseller or large web shop.


Knight takes your digital logistic capabilities to the level you might see at large companies with a professional setup. In fact, BizBloqs services several companies at this level with its Knight solution. It offers the possibility to manage an article across multiple locations and offers digital management for your batch picking.

Knight is the right solution for you if you need to optimize fairly complex processes or large operations. If location management is a big part of your business, Knight is the right subscription level for you. This solution is popular amongst wholesalers, resellers and web shops in particular.


I want a standard solution, but with all the bells and whistles. I manage multiple locations and zoning across my warehouses and deal with a lot of orders.


Bishop is the ultimate standard subscription with a wide range of features beyond the capabilities of Knight. It allows for dynamic location management, which allows you to keep track of your stock on the move at all times.

You can manage multiple locations and assign various location zones as per your requirements. Bishop can handle a great number of orders without effort. If this ultimate subscription still doesn’t meet your needs, you would need to consider a custom solution that is tailored specifically to your requirements.


Clearly it will not be possible to make a straightforward recommendation for your needs. That’s perfectly fine, we have the expertise and experience to address your challenges. You will need to work with our experts to digitize your processes and define your workflow.

Our solutions are designed in such a way that we can service the smallest businesses for their basic needs, while the same platform can service the most complex and elaborate logistic requirements as well. We can do this without development in almost all cases, simply by configuring our solutions to reflect your situation perfectly.